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Friday, December 3, 2010

Crafts, Shoes, and Bella Napoli

Surprisingly, a lot has gone on this past week which was unexpected considering my lack of consistent work and being out of school. Last night, Lindsey, a "friend" of Jon's, asked me out to ice cream while the guys rehearsed for their gig on Saturday. It was so nice to get out of the house and spend time with a girl. As much as I love hanging out with the guys all the time, it's great to hang out with other people too. We talked at Dairy Queen for 3 hours until they kicked us out since they were cleaning and closing up. The rest of the night I spent listening to music and talking with Kurtis, Jon and Robbie who is staying with us for the next week to see if he wants to move in sometime.
Today I left the house around 10:00 which has become the new bright and early for me considering how late musicians stay up. I got some new shoes to wear with dresses but that are more casual and then I went to Michael's craft store which is a weak spot for me. Lindsey gave me a fun idea last night to make earrings which I got super excited about and got the supplies for. You take clear moonstones and glue an image onto the back and then glue them onto earring posts and then you can make whatever designs you want! I can't wait and I have enough to make 30 pairs of earrings so watch out. At that rate I can have a different pair for everyday of the month.
This afternoon I took a nap and watched the Office (tough life I know) and then met up with Kurtis to picket the crazy Italian guy's restaurant. We're pretty sure that his lawyer must have talked some sense into him because he stayed inside the whole time for the whole two hours. Last time he ran into one guy and then threw a sign at someone else. They made a video of it if you want to see the level of maturity we are working with:
After the picket, we went to Bread Co. to unthaw for dinner. My pinkey toes were actually white and numb after 10 minutes of standing outside and after two hours I was unsure if they were attached. Luckily they were and after my bread bowl and vegetable pesto soup I am all warmed-up. Kurtis is taking the day off from painting tomorrow so we are going to get some shopping done for his Mexico trip. Hopefully we will get to go to the bookstore we got a coupon to as well. You can never have too many books although Kurtis and I are apparently attempting to prove that wrong.
Tomorrow night Kurtis has a gig with The Sellouts, which is Stella but doing covers, basically just to get some extra gigs. It's at the J&M in Pioneer Square (don't worry Mama, I will lock my doors). Sunday I am hoping on coming up to Lopez for the day until I leave again until I come back up on Friday.
On Tuesday I worked for a family taking care of a two year old boy named Jackson and a 6 week old baby boy while the mom was there. We went to a bounce house, it was Jackson's birthday and he ran around laughing with a huge smile on his face. This next week I am going to be working Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for them too which I am pretty excited about and then 3 more days later on in December. Jackson is the sweetest, cutest little boy but to be honest, taking care of a 6 year old is a little nerve-wracking at first. It's good to get that experience though and it really is easy after you get the first few minutes down. So I am sure I will have some stories after those days so until then...