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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Back to School

Last full week of summer before I head back to beautiful Illinois where the air is more dense than the dirt and it's too hot to even sleep with sheets at night. At least I have volleyball to go back to, I wonder how the other students do it - go back to school without having a team to go back to.
Fall quarter always sneeks up on me the same way every year. Summer seems like it could never end, it's over two months right! Nope, everytime without fail I realize that summer is over before I've been able to do half of the things I was hoping to. I can only dream of what it will be like not to have to leave next fall. No more deadlines of leaving home for 10 weeks or more at a time. No more fried mid-west food. No more living in a dorm. No more having your whole day scheduled around specific meal times. Man, what will be left...I can't wait.
Not that school isn't great, I am so grateful to be going to such a great school with such a great dorm and teachers and a team that I love but just like everyone I have talked to has said, I am grateful but I am ready to take what I have learned and go too. How I'll use it, that will be a whole other adventure.

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