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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Volleyball, School, Eat, Sleep, Repeat...

This past week has been a blur, I feel like I say that every week. Let's see...Last weekend we traveled to Indiana to play four matches, one of which we won. Then school started on Monday but I actually had no classes, thank you Lord for being a senior. I think this quarter is actually busier than usual though because I have taken on the Language Dept. Secretary job yet again as well as volleyball. Turns out an independent in French may actually be more work than an actual class led by a teacher. I think they are worried I may not have enough to do so they over compensate by giving me grammar, phonetics, research, reading, and workbooks.
My other classes are Wildlife Conservation taught by a professor who works with sea turtles around the world, especially in Trinidad. Tough life.
Finally I have Spanish Film. Maybe the toughest class to stay awake in so far. From 2-3:50 a couple after noons a week, we sit in uncomfortable chairs and watch disturbing Spanish movies and are then expected to write a 2 page paper about the cinematographic elements employed by the director. I don't even know what cinematographic elements are! Let alone in Spanish!
But the first paper is down so at least I have on e under my belt- although I haven't gotten it graded yet.
Practice is after classes everyday from 4:15-6:30, the best part of the day except for maybe after dinner when you take a shower and get in comfy clothes to do homework.
We played against Webster last night and lost unfortunately. I personally had a good game, hitting and passing back row but the team didn't come together well and we lost in 3. Lame.
I can't believe I've already been here for 4 weeks, time sure flies when you are so busy you can't find time to look at a calendar. Well, I am off to practice!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update, Is! I know you're busy, but it's fun to read about you adventures at school. Keep having fun and hope you win your next game. Love, Katie
