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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Friday, Sweet Friday

I have been so productive this week but to my surprise this has had a good and bad effect on my mentality. The good is that I realize how much I really can get down without acting ADD by getting sidetracked by netflix, facebook, email, cellphones, noises in the hall, a fly by my light, or any other number of things. The bad is that I know realize how easily I have been distracted for the past couple quarters. So, I am once again resuming my Facebook hiatus, it is an evil invention that appears to make you closer to people but in fact allows you to know less and less about anyone.
My parents come tomorrow and I can't wait. Saturday we have two games against the 1st and 3rd place teams in our conference but after beating Westminster we will then be 3rd, playing Webster, our long standing rivals in the SLIAC playoffs. In other words good team is winning, we beat not as good team and then we play mean team.
Tonight there is a reading by Patricia Hampl in the School of Nations. The Prague abroad had dinner with her last night, learning about her adventures in the Czech Republic and her approach to writing. One of the most interesting things she said to us was that writing is rarely if ever an enchanting experience but it is turning a chaotic and disturbing process into and enchanting piece of work. It made so much sense. All of this time I had imagined true writers as having a magical experience every time they sat down to put pen to paper. Luckily for me, she dismayed my fears that I was unable to tune into this peaceful place and enlightened me on the true reality of writing. What a relief. Now I can't wait to write in Prague!

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