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Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Future is pointing towards Prague

This last Friday I found out that I was accepted to both the China and Prague abroads for Spring quarter! Although I thought that I had my mind made up to go to Prague, I was surprisingly taken off-guard when I got accepted to both- realizing that both of these amazing countries were actual possible options. I thought about it all night and realized that getting out of school, getting married, and having to start a grown-up life will be happening so soon. When will I ever have time to spend figuring out who I am? Being creative? (Selfishly I admit) focusing on myself? Prague is the place for me to do this. It is all about creative writing and art, with on-site work everyday, going into the streets to write or draw about what you see or feel. It sounds amazing.
So I made up my mind and I am finally able to start getting excited about actually going to Prague! China would have been awesome but I think two TĂȘtus in China is already more than they can handle.
I started looking into weather forecasts, we will be there right as Spring is starting, temperatures aorund 10-20*C so it will be just beautiful. Apparently it is the cleanest city in Europe as well. From my experience of Paris smelling like ass, this doesn't necessarily mean much but at least it's a step up from walking in urine on your way to the metro.
This week is a busy one. I still have a couple hours of French homework to do tonight to meet my quota of 15 hours a week. Then this week I have a fieldtrip on Tuesday to a bird sanctuary in St Louis for Wildlife Conservation, a game later that night 2.5 hours away. Wednesday we get the day off from practice, extra time to get some homework done or think about it at least. Thursday we have practice and Friday my parents get here! Saturday we have a tournament at Westminster, by far our closest game of the season was against them and we came out on top so I am hoping for the same conclusion considering how much better we have been getting. Our other game is against Greenville who I would love to beat but haven't so far. After the games, I have the weekend with the padres, bread co., target run, maybe the loading dock if there is some music playing although I am not impressed with anything but their salsa.
And then it all starts again next week.
Life has been crazy lately, crazy in a good way. Just a lot of big decisions and big things happening all at once. Kurtis' trip to Mexico is coming up, Christmas, Prague, Spring break, graduation, wedding, moving stuff back home, getting a job...the list goes on. At least I am not bored!
I keep looking forward to next quarter when I get to take a 3 hour a day figure studies class. Honestly the only class I was set on taking when I came to college and I finally get to take it my last quarter here on campus.
Let's see, I am now playing the libero position on the volleyball team and I absolutely love it. I have always thought that I should love a good kill or block more than anything but I realize now that getting a good dig is as good as it gets. Not only do you kill the other team's attempt at getting a point but you give your team a shot at doing the same. So much fun.
I am looking forward to Christmas break in 4 weeks. Week after week just keeps going by here, I am in denial about the volleyball season ending in just 2 weeks or maybe a little more but whatever it is, it is too early. I am usually ready for it to be over. To have my own time and be able to schedule my days and weekends the way they work for me but I'm not as ready this year. I guess that's what happens when you are a senior.
So, I'm looking forward to a productive week and a fun weekend, still a few hours left to this one...

1 comment:

  1. Really interesting entry, it's fun to read a bit into your mind.
    So BreadCo, Target, and maybe The Loading Dock? Sound cool to the old man!
