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Monday, November 1, 2010

I can see the light!

This weekend was great, my parents got to see me play some volleyball and I got nice and refreshed for the final 3 weeks of the quarter. Last night I was also elected to be second reader for Sunday services next quarter! I can't wait.
We have our senior night tomorrow night, our last home volleyball sad. I can't believe that it is my senior night! Every year it seems so far away and like I will never be a senior but here it is, my last week in volleyball. We've had so much fun this season though, it's a great group of girls.
Let's see, I did absolutely nothing for Halloween yesterday but I have been laughing at the seemingly endless photos of slutty pictures on facebook where girl after girl just can't help herself in dressing as a rated-x ninja turtle, little red riding hood, or "angel". Where is the originality anymore? Kurtis dressed up as Peter Criss last night, full makeup and outfit. Still a kid at heart.
Practices this week are 30 minutes shorter than usual, hopefully this way we will be able to focus better and not get burned out during the last little push. Homework is piling up but luckily, I have no finals this quarter accept for one take-home exam in Spanish. This is definitely a first in my college history.
I couldn't help cracking up about Baba and Katie's latest blog entries about their peaceful and enjoyable baking adventure. I wish it had been filmed. The cookies better have tasted good at least.

1 comment:

  1. You're in luck! I actually filmed about three minutes of the experience. And the cookies were disgusting. Have a fun last week of volleyball!
