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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Two papers down!

I feel so productive after today. I got so many things done. I turned in a 4.5 page Wildlife Conservation paper and 4 pages of a Spanish paper of which I just turned into 6 pages which means that it is done! I also got my Phase 5 forms turned in and I will turn in my paper tomorrow which will mean that I only have Phase 6 left which is a great feeling! I also got the revised version of my Independent course contract for my capstone next quarter which means I can start getting signatures tomorrow. I gave a testimony in Org today too about my back/aching healing and Willamette unfoldment this past week.
Tomorrow morning I am going shopping with Mary Ann and Hannah for the banquet and fundraiser supplies. Our banquet is moved to Thursday night now which I can't wait for! On Saturday Christy and I are planning on going into St. Louis to a coffee shop and Bread Co. for lunch and being cozy while it is cold and rainy outside. She has been wanting to watch me draw portraits for a while now so we are going to bring sketch books and have a great afternoon, I can't wait.
It looks like I will be going to Lopez on Sunday rather than Saturday (sorry parents!). There is an action going on with SEASOL, following up on the crazy Italian restaurant owner, I think this time to establish a boycott on the restaurant. I'm looking forward to see the reaction of the owner this time around.
I am watching the Office at a nearly immeasurable rate. My new philosophy is as follows: when in doubt as to whether the office will disrupt concentration, eating, meetings, class, or sleep turn on the next episode and watch. I am starting to get worried about how I will react when the seasons end, I am on the 6th and it is bound to end within the week. Shoot! I just saw that I am already on episode 10! That's right it is on right now as I speak.


  1. I think you are secretly in love with Dwight. Must be the beets...

  2. But I am comparing Dwight to you...that's weird...and definitely not the case.

  3. Glad that you're enjoying the Office. Sometimes you need a little extra help to push through finals. My crutch was crazy X-mas music.
