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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Work Work Work

I had quite a bit of homework last night, and tonight and tomorrow night will be the same. I wrote a 4.5 page wildlife conservation paper with a 7 source bibliography and a 3 page spanish paper, in spanish. I took a break after the science paper, since science papers try their best to suck out your soul which it was almost succeeding in doing, and worked out for an hour. It kept me sane. I hate sitting at my desk staring at the screen for more than an hour or two at a time.
Coming up, I have a Spanish presentation, 3 more pages of a paper, revising my science paper, finishing my annotated bibliography for French, typing up French quotes from the hundreds of pages I have read, studying grammar, finishing a pronunciation book, Spanish take home final, and turning in my Phase 5 to the writing center. Needless to say, I have lots to get done but this is definitely one of the less stressful ends of the quarter for me. No finals really, just some papers and then I'll be home.
We had our wrap-up meeting for volleyball last night, voting and lots of surveys grading the program and our coaches. I felt like I was cheating by going down the lkine of questions and putting the same great score on everyone but I really felt like they were that great. It was a good season. We are having to reschedule banquet because the women's soccer team is going to Nationals and they need an administrator to go along and Mary Ann is their only option so she leaves Thursday through Sunday night. I think we will be having it this Thursday then if she can get her flight delayed.
Kurtis is so busy that I think his head is going to explode sometimes; he keeps it all organized so well but he runs around like a chicken with his head cut off. During the day he either paints or gives guitar lessons, then nights he either has a SEASOL meeting, rehearsal for Stella, Apple Jam, or Robbie Christmas, or a gig all the while trying to prepare by studying Spanish and Mexican history to prepare for his trip. I'll have to be flexible about seeing him this break, he'll be so busy, I guess I'll get a lot of books read!


  1. Good job Is. Boy are you busy - but capable. Make sure your head doesn't explode.

    Love you lots,

  2. I like the way you integrate news of Kurtis in your blog: you guys are already a couple, and a sweet one at that.
    You're almost done! I look forward to having you help with Spanish at the elementary. Most of all, we get to see you at home. I wonder which cat will sneak to your room this winter break...
