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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, there's only tomorrow!

I get to fly home tomorrow! So excited! I had my last class yesterday of Wildlife Conservation which only lasted for an hour and was just evalutating the class and then Spanish in the afternoon. We walked down about 25 minutes to the new bakery/cafe in Elsah to find that it is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays so we walked back up to campus through a trail that meanders through the woods, over a bridge made of a fallen tree and planks secured with a single nail. When I saw deer running I was not so sure that we had made the right idea by walking through the woods considering it is hunting season but if a hunter is stupid enough to shoot into a group of Spanish speaking clothed deer, then we have bigger problems to worry about. When we got back to campus we had spent an hour walking which was great and we went to the pub. Tough life, I know.
I had a nice long talk with Baba and Katie last night, they are doing well in China, dealing with the lack of popcorn, egg McMuffins and Mexican food but just barely. I also got to talk to Jon when I called Kurtis last night which was nice, I am looking forward to seeing them tomorrow! Wow, how did that happen! This is the most relaxed end of quarter I have ever had hands down. To-do list before I leave tomorrow: 2 pg. Spanish reflection on movie, turn in 6 page Spanish paper (literally just turn it in), pack my room, and write my volleyball final. Not tough stuff, but I have still been putting it off for Harry Potter and The Event. Today I will put it off for The Biggest Loser which wasn't on last week and nearly broke my heart. I new they hadn't taken a break so really I was just missing out, being put on hold for a week! How dare they.
I just got my flight itinerary for Prague, and Ally and I will be staying until the 3rd of June instead of flying back the first and waiting around beautiful Illinois for graduation. I emailed Heather at Willamette yesterday with a few questions about experience needed, and tests so I am expecting to hear back from her soon. Life is good, can't wait for tomorrow!


  1. I kinda like that saying, even if you didn't mean it as a motto, "Life is good, can't wait for tomorrow!"
    I bet Kurtis can't wait either.

  2. Yay for winter breaks! Have a safe flight tomorrow and give Kurtis a hug for us.
