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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Season Over

We had our last game of the season yesterday and it was great. While we lost, we played the best game yet and ended on such a high note. I got 22 digs and 18 serves with no errors and I have quite a few bruises on my hips and knees to prove it. After our game at 2, we stayed for the 7 pm game to see who the SLIAC champions would be. Afterwards, we had the awards ceremony and I was so surprised and excited to get one of the six all-tournament awards. I think Mary Ann put my name in and I got it! We also got the team sportsmanship award which was great.
As if the night wasn't good enough, we got to go to Bread Co. for dinner and after thinking that they had no bread bowls, I found out that they did! That was like a whole jar of cherries on top of my sundae.
Today will be a big homework day, maybe some working out and Office episodes in the mix. It was great to get an extra hour to sleep this morning but it is freezing outside. Fall is definitely here and winter is well on its way.
Next Sunday we are having our volleyball banquet and we are going to have Thanksgiving! I can't wait. Afterwards the freshmen always do a funny skit, seniors give out wills, and coaches give out the awards that we vote for tomorrow. It is always such a great way to close the season. Next quarter I am not sure how much volleyball I am going to do, I have ambassador, capstone, art, work, and I really like working out on my own honestly. Mary Ann has a women's club team that she is putting together too so I will have to see when that is meeting and how involved it is.
I am sure looking forward to the break in under two weeks, I'm glad I moved my reservation to Thursday instead of Saturday. Kurtis has a gig the next night and then we will head up to Lopez on Saturday. I'm planning on helping my dad out teaching his elementary language classes as much as I can this break to get some experience for my Willamette application. I am still so excited about the online program that they have now and I can't wait to actually live with Kurtis without having to leave to go back to school. I love how things work out so well.


  1. You deserve everything you got coming your way. I am so proud of and happy for you.

  2. I'm sure it sucks not doing volleyball anymore, but now you can be a coach and have a whole army of volleyball minions! Sweet! Love you!
