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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Finals, yeah right, I'd rather read Harry Potter

Yep, that's right. I started the 4th Harry Potter book last night if for no other reason but just because I can. I finished Down and Out in Paris and London by George Orwell, last night and it was a great book. It was so nice to finally have time to read something for myself, I really miss reading.
I have been emailing back and forth with a woman about taking care of her kids while I am up for break and she wants to meet this Friday. The problem is, I have no car and unfortuneately the public transportation system in the U.S. is seemingly unexistant unless you have several hours to spend in route or you live in Downtown Seattle. Neither of these are the case for me so I am left not sure of what I will be doing. I would love to have a job, I hate getting bored and Kurtis is going to be so busy all the time that 3 or 4 hours a day, a few days a week would be great.
Thursday, Katie Duntley is coming up to campus and Katie, Sara MacDaniel and I are going to go to the Thanksgiving lunch together and then Sara is taking me to the airport. I said goodbye to Hannah yesterday, she is off to Alabama to see her Grandma and sister and little nephew for Thanksgiving. I'll be seeing her next quarter though because the Athletic Dept. hired her again.
I got an email yesterday that our plane tickets have been purchased for Prague! I can't believe that it is actually happening! Thinking about my family, Kurtis will be in Mexico, Baba and Katie will be in China and then France and I will be in Prague and Austria. You would think that we were from old money, think again! Or maybe Mama's real origins are not only German, Austrian, French, Scottish, African, Japanese, and Thai but stem back to the blood of Genghis Khan and we have inherited all of his riches. We'll never know although I am sure Mama is nodding her head readily in agreement.
I am looking forward to getting back, leaving in just two days, I can't believe it! I get home Thursday, Kurtis has a Robbie Christmas gig on Friday, Saturday we have a Seasol action at the Italian restaurant, Sunday we go to Lopez, then Wednesday is a Stella gig, Thursday Thanksgiving, and it just keeps going, can't wait. Plus now, I have started Harry Potter #4 so how can life not be awesome! I'm such a nerd, sometimes I trick myself into thinking that I did not inherit the unfortunate trait that my brother so readily took on from my father (sorry Baba, but you are a nerd, you call your ipad your "baybay", and sorry papa but if it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, then you call it a duck). Then I am quickly reminded of my love for Harry Potter and my lack of a social filter and I realize that I am yet my father's daughter.

1 comment:

  1. I printed this entry. That's how much I liked it. Love you.
