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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Skype with China

I got to skype with Baba during one of his classes and the kids were so cute. They asked all kinds of questions about college life, halloween, hobbies, travel and of course, the first question was "Do you have a boyfriend?" After traveling to Nicaragua, Japan, and France, and now having skyped in China, I have now concluded that kids everywhere are first and foremost concerned with relationship status.
I decided to take a leap and change my flight reservation to get home 2 days earlier than planned. Now instead of getting home on Saturday, I will be back Thursday, a full two days earlier. I can't wait to see everyone back at home and celebrate the holidays together. Kurtis has a bunch of gigs planned for the next couple of months and I am so excited to get to see him play again. I think I will be able to see him in all three bands too, can't wait. He has a Robbie Christmas gig tomorrow, I guess I owe them sandwiches for every gig I miss, they have informed Robbie of my BLT making abilities so I will be busy making sandwiches when I get home. Jon's reaction every time he takes a bite always makes me laugh. He just always seems so genuinely surprised by how much he likes them, it cracks me up every time.
I am looking more forward to Prague all the time. I looked into the weather, it will be smack in the middle of Spring the whole time. Our hostel is right on the main tourist road so we will be able to walk through the whole city along the main road or go one block to either side to escape the hustle and bustle and be able to see real Prague. I can't wait. Cafés every afternoon, drawing and writing in the streets, going to amazing museums, meeting great artists, eating good food and so many things I don't even know of yet. I hope the internet connection is good there so that I can keep up a blog for everyone back at home, in China, in we are going to be spread out!
Our SLIAC tournament is this weekend and we are going to be playing the #1 team, Greenville at their gym at 2 pm. We are working hard this week but Mary Ann is also letting us out early to get our homework done and not be stressed this week. I enjoy the extra time, but I am going to miss volleyball too.
I have been watching so many Office episodes lately. To my demise, I found that all of the seasons are on Netflix instant-on and I have gone through season 3, 4 and I am part-way through 5 already. That's what happens when you eat lunch in your room! I feel like a fool though when I crack up sitting alone in my room. What my neighbors must think I will ever know.
I am 99.9% sure that I got the ambassador job next quarter which I am so excited about. It will be so nice to spend those weekends with the other ambassadors and students, they are always such great weekends. Movies, dinners, bowling, and Clifton Terrace for breakfast! I will also be working my last quarter in the Language Department as secretary, leaving them to their own vices in the Spring. I have to keep my eye out for a replacement. That has been a great job though, good experience, nice getting to know the professors better, and frankly sometimes plenty of time to work on homework. So next quarter will be busy, but good, and then I will be set out into the world traveling to Prague. And to think that I wasn't even sure what country Prague was in just weeks ago. (High School geography, you failed me. They should be judged not me!)


  1. Okay, be truthful now: am I really like Dwight? Come on, be kind.

  2. I bet the boys in China were happy to see you. Did they clap for you too? Hey now I know why you like being ambassador - the breakfasts at the fancy Clifton Terrace - such a fancy name for such a greaser place.

    Love you lots,

  3. Sweet. I like having cross-cultural pollination. It's sexy. Thanks for doing that. I'm so jealous of your Prague.

  4. Yes, we keep seeing the Office episodes you watch in the Watch Instantly queue. (And you can tell we've been watching a lot of "Say Yes to the Dress".) It's funny you got to Skype with some Chinese students. I bet they had an amazing time! Good luck with the rest of your semester and I bet you'll love being home. Plus, it will be fun to see all of Kurtis' gigs.

  5. Papa: I wouldn't say you are like Dwight, but you might think some of the tihngs he does are cool...on second thought you are a lot like Dwight.
    Katie: I love Say Yes to the Dress! It makes me mad and happy at the same time, I don't know quite how to explain it but I am sure you can relate.
    Baba: I had fun talking with your students too, they were sweet.
    Mama: I got lots of claps but really just more questions. They seemed very curious
