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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Senior Night

Last night was Senior Night, marking our last home game...EVER!
We had a good game, and we got beautiful flowers and posters that everyone signed for us. Mary Ann also wrote up a nice thing about each one of us and read it after the second game. Christy Ellington was my stand in parent and we had to stand on the end line while they talked about us and took pictures for about 10 minutes.
It's been a long week but I can't believe that I will be home in 2 weeks from tomorrow. I took the plunge this morning and paid to have my flight changed from Saturday to Thursday since I have no finals and no classes after Wednesday. I am so looking forward to this winter break, I can't wait for some good relaxation.
This Friday, Mary Ann is having a short practice and then inviting us over for dinner at her house. It will be a nice end to the week, which has seemed much busier than usual. I am starting to feel the extra surge of homework from teachers who always seem to decide that big papers and extra reading should be piled on all at the same time. I have conspiracy suspicions but no hard evidence.
We watched Pan's Labyrinth in Spanish Film yesterday (El laberinto del fauno) and I had forgotten how violent it is. The little girl in the movie sure has a messed up imagination.
I couldn't believe a car drove into the Market the other day. That kind of thing never happens on Lopez! We will be talking about it for years I am sure. Apparently the EMTs and firefighters could practice their "mass casualty" procedures. This would not be comical normally but given the fact that only 4 people were barely injured and that it takes only 3 injuries to be a "mass casualty" scene, it is evident that Lopez is a very small place. So just in case the rabbits and deer get rabies and go berserk, the "mass casualty" techniques will be fresh in their minds, thank God.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'll repost my comment, the first one disappeared.
    I loved this post: sweet, insightful, touching, sensitive, sort of like you. Really sad to see that you did not have your parents there for the ceremony; what's the use to have the chopper on standby if I m not there when needed.
    Again, great post that I want to keep, it will be fun reading it 20 years from now.
