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Monday, November 15, 2010

Relaxed Finals Week?

I feel like I have stepped into the Twilight Zone...I only have two papers left for this week and they are both already written and only in need of editing. Really? Finals week my senior year and I am bored? Impossible, someone must have spiked the hot chocolate.

This weekend was a great way to wrap up the quarter. On Saturday we had the volleyball fundraiser at 9 a.m. and we got all the bags assembled and delivered by 11 which was great. After that I ran home to take shower and get ready to go to St. Louis with Christy and Ally for a cafe day. We drove all the way into St. Louis and commandeered a table for 4 hours to eat lunch, drink coffee, draw, talk, eat muffins, and tlak some more. It was the perfect day too. Christy and I had looked up the weather because we wanted to make sure that we were doing this on a cold and cozy day and we sure got it right. I think winter came that morning and now I can feel that it isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

That night I ran into Kiersten and her roommate Owen and helped them bake a cake. We watched a movie, Bounce, and met Natalie for dinner. That night all of the women's dorms blew up 3,000, literally, balloons and filled the concourse with them. It was quite amazing. It was slightly terrifying and unsettling to see the lunch ladies pop the balloons that were making their way into the scramble room though. This one woman got this crazy look in her eyes and went berzerk on those balloons. I was witness to the balloon massacre of 2010, it was terrible.

Yesterday, I went to church and then to a play in St. Louis with the Prague abroad group. It was called Rock n' Roll and it was about the role of rock and roll in the Prague revolution but it was more confusing than anything. There was good music in between scenes but if that was the message that I left with, I am starting to think that I didn't really grasp the real essence of the play.

Anyways, last night we had a Christmas party in Howard. I was walking back from working out and it was freezing cold and then I could smell smoke from our chimney and then I saw the christmas tree all lit up in the window. As I got closer I heard the christmas music playing and girls laughing, it was so cozy. We had a white elephant gift exchange. I got a great mug and hot chocolate, peppermint bark, and a huge candy cane stick. The poor girl that got my present just got a bunch of candy, one thing of hot chocolate and a huge cookie, essentially the things I was not going to eat from my volleyball fundraiser bag. It was lots of fun and we had hot apple cider and popcorn and hot chocolate.
I am planning on taking a nice, long nap today, I am all tuckered out (as a 95 year old woman would say). I stayed up a couple hours later than normal last night finishing a movie and then talking to Kurtis, what a bad influence he is! We are starting to realize how long 5 months without seeing eachother is going to be, more than twice the amount of time we usually have to spend apart and that is painful enough as it is. This break will be our alst chance to see eachother until June 4th, ugh. We will have many fun stories though and fun adventures that I am sure we will be distracted from missing eachother too distractingly much. I hope so at least.

1 comment:

  1. It doesn't matter that "distance makes the heart grow fonder," it still sucks. I feel bad for you: heck, I can't sleep when I am away from Mama.
    It is good for Kurtis to go, though, so I am sure that will help you.

    TTFN, off to work.
