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Monday, November 8, 2010

Home in a Week and a Half!

We have a wrap-up meeting for volleyball today to turn in all of our things and vote for awards and captains for next year. I am curious to see who is going to get it, I'm really not sure this year. Unfortunately, seniors don't get to vote on captains so I'll just have to wait until our banquet to see who gets it.
I finally got to talk to Kurtis last night after two days of him being in Victoria B.C. for a social organization meeting. He said it went great and everyone was very hospitable.
He told me a story last week about an action they did in Seattle. There is an italian restaurant where a woman was cheated out of a month's work without pay and now she is asking to get payed. So Kurtis went into the restaurant with another member of his group, pretending to be interested in ordering something to eat. They got the owner to come out and talk to him about the specials and the menu while the other guy went in the back to the other workers to hand out some information about getting help to not be exploited by this owner. Then, when the owner left Kurtis' table, he quickly got up and handed out information to everyone in the main area of the restaurant to let them know how the owner was exploiting his workers.
Well, they quickly left the restaurant after that to hand out information just outside of the restaurant to passers-by. The owner found out what they had done and called the cops, filing a report against them for trespassing on his property. Kurtis and the other members of his group maintained their composure although the cops were very uncooperative. Well, they kept handing out fliers and after the cops finally left, the owner came out onto the sidewalk and poured a pot of hot water on them! It mostly hit the man Kurtis was with but he got wet too. They STILL kept calm and Kurtis took out his camera to take photos of the owner and what he had done to have some documentation of his immaturity as this whole issue keeps going on. The owner, who had poured the water on them in a way to hide it from the people eating at his restaurant, proceeded to flip Kurtis off in the middle of the restaurant, pretending to be scratching his forehead.
To think that their group wasn't even asking for a boycott yet, I am wondering what the owner will do once they pick up the stakes. It's amazing how immature people can be when they get defensive.
So it's cool to hear his stories about all the things he is doing in Seattle, they won a case just a week ago. I am looking forward to going to the meetings while I am there during this winter break, it will be neat to get involved that way. Considering I am stuck in a bubble at school 30 months out of the year. I can't wait to get home in just a few days, this is going to be a great break!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Issy!
    Sounds exciting! At least it wasn't a pot of alfredo sauce. Well, it would have been tastier, though...
