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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day #3

I am officially ready for school to start back up again. Never in a million years would I have thought that I would get sick of snow days during mid-terms week but the time has come. Tomorrow we are supposed to have a model in art class, given that they can get here with all the snow and ice. We are supposed to get down to -5 degrees here tonight. What I want to know is who is the crazy groundhog that decided Spring was coming early this year? Definitely not a good week for giving us faith in that whole tradition, although I hope the groundhog is right.
I woke up early this morning after going to bed early (second night in a row and I am loving it). I read my lesson during breakfast and then went to the gym and played volleyball for an hour with Mary Ann, her daughters, Hannah, Sara and Ally. Afterwards three more people showed up and joined us to do the Insanity workout. I'm pretty sure I would be happy being a personal trainer judging by how fun it was.
Some of us went to lunch together afterwards and then I had my art midterm which was on bones and muscles. It went well I think and I am glad that it is over so now I can just focus on drawing and building up my portfolio for the end of the class.
I got to talk to Kurtis for a good 45 minutes this afternoon which was great. We skyped and he showed me around his campus, it is beautiful. There are colorful murals of social revolutionaries everywhere and all the walls are painted bright colors. It is right on a hillside covered in trees above the city and I guess the weather is perfect, mild enough to have to wear a sweater but at some points warm enough to just wear a t-shirt. He was telling me about his homework today: they broke into partners and were asked to go into the market in town and find foods that they had never seen or heard of before. They have to present it to the rest of the class tomorrow in a "creative" way. Kurtis said he and his partner are probably going to write a song about it. During his trip in the market he ended up with a bag of four huge fruits that he is clueless about, I hope they taste good! Overall, he said he is having an amazing time and absolutely loving it. He was able to play music with a music class he has been sitting in on and learned some hymns from the other students. I'm so excited for him.
I'm starting to get excited about Prague as well. I had a dinner with my teacher and she told me that this abroad is different than most in the fact that there is a lot of individual time since it is focused on art and creative writing. I can't wait to just wander around the city drawing people as the go about their daily life. Woohoo! Just five more weeks and then I am pretty much done with college. How exciting is that?!

1 comment:

  1. You make anything sound fun. I love that outlook on life you always seem to have. Miss you lots!
